Why Convert to a Multi-Meter System?
One of the main reasons to switch to a multi-meter system is that it allows you to accurately bill tenants for their individual usage. In a single meter system, tenants are often billed based on a shared usage system, which can be unfair and lead to disputes. With a multi-meter system, each unit has its own meter, and the tenants are only billed for the amount of electricity they use. This ensures that everyone pays their fair share and can reduce conflicts between tenants.
Another benefit of a multi-meter system is that it allows you to detect and address any electricity waste or issues more quickly. If you notice that a particular unit is using a disproportionate amount of electricity, you can investigate and address the issue before it becomes a significant problem. This can help you save money on electricity bills and ensure that your building is running efficiently.
Finally, a multi-meter system can help you increase the value of your building. As electricity costs continue to rise, more and more renters are looking for energy-efficient apartments that offer low utility bills. By converting to a multi-meter system and promoting your building’s energy efficiency, you can attract more renters and increase the overall value of your property.